
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cistern Pump

Well, the cistern pump finally arrived, thanks to, and it's a nice hot day to take a dunk in a very cool cistern tank! If you look closely in the water, you can just make out the top of the platform that Matt had made to set the pump on. Having the pump elevated prevents us from accidentally pumping all the water out and risking the tank "floating" up out of the hole again. The water is all murky because the roof of the house is really, really dirty and all that storm water came in last week.

It's a Wayne Energy Efficient Stainless Steel/Cast Iron Submersible 3/4HP Sump Pump, for those of you who care about such things. You can see the retrieval line that we attached and the PVC to connect with the hose via numerous attachments so that it is more easily removable if necessary.

Out of the tank we have a hose bib for washing down the boats and watering plants. The extra PVC "T" is in case we want to add something later, although I can't think of what that might be right now.  It's a hot, hot high 80's or low 90's kind of day, but that cistern water is c-c-c-cold.

You might be able to see in this photo, the vertical PVC tube from the pump comes straight up from the platform and then angles towards the cistern exit point. Matt put in some threaded PVC here so that we can disconnect it at this point (without getting inside the tank) and a lanyard is attached for pulling up the pump.

I have no idea why this photo didn't rotate properly, but I don't have time to mess with it just now. You get the idea.

Since the tank was full, Matt is displacing enough water for the overflow to trickle a little bit of water out of the seawall. If it was raining, you'd see a nice flow of water coming out of here, but that would require me to come out in the rain to take a picture, and that's not happening anytime soon, so this is the best "action" shot you're going to see for a long time.

Will need to rig up more permanent power source and a switch eventually, but for now we can plug into the dock power when the pool guys aren't using it.

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